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Septrin pediatrico canarios dosis psicologia. In: L. Martel, ed., Pediatric envenomation. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, 1995; 741-749. 5. J.C. Rachlis, M.F. Bautista, A.O. Rodriguez, B.A. Ochoa, M.A. de Vina, E.H. Guali, M.R. Bautista, M.A. Martel, S.J. Perales, F.J. Martinez, F. Gonzalez, C.R. Armenta, J.N. Villarreal, C.C. de Rios, T.L. Perez la Torre, M.A. Hernández-Vázquez, G.M. Garcia-Raventós, S.A. Salas, P. Mascone, R. Girona, J.A. Guijarro, and L. Martín-Pérez, "Evaluation management of envenomation in the hospital setting: A systematic review of the literature," Pediatric Emergencies 17, no. 5 (March 2003): 603-616. 6. E.M. Siegel, T.H. Orenstein, and O. Schreiber, Dose-response relationships in venomous snake envenomation, J. Toxicol. Environ. Health, 14 (1) (1999): 55-65. 7. E.M. Siegel, T.H. Orenstein, and O. Schreiber, Dose-response relationships in venomous snake envenomation, J. Toxicol. Environ. Health, 14 (1) (1999): 62-70. 8. Y.C. Yap, D.M. Bao, A.D. Kao, X.M. Lu, X.N. Zhu, Y.W. Chen, D.D. Tang, and M.Q. Sun, "Envenomation by the Asian pit viper (Crotalus variegatus), and the potential toxicity of snake venom," Arch. Dermatol. 126 (2001): 767-773. 9. Y.C. Yap, D.M. Bao, A.D. Kao, X.N. Zhu, Y.W. Chen, D.D. Tang, and M.Q. Sun, "Envenomation by the Asian pit viper (Crotalus variegatus), and the potential toxicity of snake venom," Arch. Dermatol. 126 (2001): 775-778. 10. J.L. Storlien, S.A. Salas, M.A. Hernández-Vázquez, and L. Martín-Pérez, "The canada drugs free shipping coupon incidence of envenomation by the Asian pit viper (Crotalus variegatus) in the United States and its relationship to the availability of safe snake baiting," J. Natl. Med. Assoc. 103 (2003): 563-566. 11. F.M. Armenta, T.L. Perez de la Torre, J.N. Villarreal, and L. Martín-Pérez, "The impact of the availability and affordability snake deterrents aversive handling techniques on human reactions to snakebite," J. Trauma Acute Care Surg. 62 (2004): 839. 12. F.M. Armenta, T.L. Perez de la Torre, J.N. Villarreal, and L. Martín-Pérez, "Harm injury to humans after snakebite by Asian pit vipers: A review of the literature," J. Toxicol. Environ. Health 15 (2004): 17-38. 13. E.M. Siegel, T.H. Orenstein, and O. Schreiber, Where can i buy lorazepam in uk "Dose-response relationships in venomous snake envenomation," J. Toxicol. Environ. Health, 14 (1) (1999): 62-70. 14. E.M. Siegel, R.H. Grier, and D.E. Gerson, "Venom, envenomation necrotizing fasciitis," Ann. Emerg. Med. 16 (1998): 723. 15. M.A. Hernández-Vázquez, A.R. Martel, de Vina, and M.A. "A comparison of the effect a rattlesnake venom cocktail versus dose-escalation approach to prevent envenomation"

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